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Budget and Finance Committee 

The Budget and Finance Committee shall provide financial analysis, advice, and oversight of the organization budget. Their responsibility is to ensure the organization is operating with the financial resources it needs to provide programs and services to the community. The scope of work for the Budget and Finance Committee includes ensuring that accurate and complete financial records are maintained and presented monthly to the board, overseeing budget preparation and financial planning, and safeguarding the organization’s assets. 

Audit Committee

The books of the Treasurer shall be audited by a three (3) member committee appointed by the President at the end of the fiscal year. The President shall ensure, through the Treasurer, an audit of any standing or special committee handling funds upon completion of their assigned term or activity and provide the Board a copy of audits. If an independent review of the organization's systems is deemed necessary, the Audit Committee shall be responsible for interviewing auditors, reviewing bids, recommending the selection of an auditor to the board, receiving the auditor’s report, and responding to the auditor’s recommendations.

Development, Fundraising, and Grants Committee

The Development, Fundraising, and Grants Committee shall be responsible for raising capital and operating funds necessary to fulfill the purposes of the organization.  This committee shall oversee the organization's overall fundraising, including soliciting donations, planning and conducting fundraising events, and applying for grants.

Genealogy Committee

The Genealogy Committee's purpose is to further the study of genealogy through meetings, lectures, seminars, workshops and volunteering in the Genealogy Center. It will be responsible for creating the policy and procedures for assisting SEGHS members and museum guests research their family genealogy. Assistance will include study through archived family trees and electronic genealogy tools.

History Committee

The History Committee preserves and protects San Elizario’s history through its stories, architecture and cultural landmarks for the education and benefit of the present and future generations. The Committee will also gather, evaluate, preserve and safeguard those materials that are the evidence of historical activities over the years. These include documents, publications, physical objects (artifacts) and sound and visual materials.


The Membership Committee shall record the attendance of members and guests. The committee shall encourage new membership, make membership applications available, encourage a timely renewal of membership, maintain a current list of members with contact information, and renewal dates, and make available to other committees such a list, as needed.

Los Portales and Old County Jail Museums

This Committee makes recommendations regarding the acquisition of exhibits, travel exhibits, fund raising, and business practices. It will advise the board on policy development, develops guidelines for day-to-day operation and management of the museums.

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Access the monthly newsletter, the archives, and genealogy services available to members.

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